Day in the Life of Tim - November 2023

This month’s focuses The list of hobbies, events, media, and more that I’ve been focused on this month: General Welcome to the second of an infinite series of my life updates! I’m sure you’re incredibly excited to hear what major changes have happened in the past thirty days, give or take. In a way, I’m kind of excited about writing these posts. On paper, writing a hip, bloggy post once a month is a short task with a far-out “deadline;” but, it also highlights how quickly a month can go by with seemingly low significance....

December 1, 2023 · 3 min · Tim White

Day in the Life of Tim - October 2023

This month’s focuses The list of hobbies, events, media, and more that I’ve been focused on this month: General New website who dis! Happy first post, future me. 🎉 Right now, as I’m typing these words, I’ve decided to make this “Day in the Life of” thing regular! I’ll try to write at least one a month, that way I can better reflect on my personal growth. I have found it easier and easier these days to fall into the typical work/eat/sleep routine, and I’m hopeful that this will be an opportunity to set goals and yell at myself later for not making progress toward them....

November 1, 2023 · 3 min · Tim White